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Need To Make A BIG DECISION? Try Matt 6:33!

In Matthew 5, 6, and 7, Jesus gives His great sermon called the Sermon on the Mount. The sermon spans 3 chapters, and covers how people, who are in a love affair with GOD, interact with the world.

In essence, what does it look like, to live out our faith, practically.

I love how Jesus' greatest sermon is about living Christianity practically!

It is within this context that we find our LORD's encouragement on worry (Matt 6: 25-34). Listen to how the LORD gently teaches us: "My child there is another way instead of worrying." He doesn't condemn us or chastise us; instead, it is almost as if, He gently embraces us, and says, "My child, let us reason together, and let me show you that there is another way, instead of worry."

And this way is summarized in verse 33, "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." The important word here is "seek." In the Greek, the word seek is zēteō, and this means to to seek after, seek for, aim at, strive after or crave.


Can you picture that, to crave after Christ. What's even more impactful is that zēteō is in the Present Active Voice. Meaning, "In your Present Moment, Crave after Christ!" and (here's the spiritual principal) all those things that occupy your mind and thoughts, will be added, by the LORD, in due time.

What would it look like in your present Decision Making to CRAVE AFTER CHRIST IN YOUR PRESENT MOMENT!

Close you eyes and picture yourself craving after Christ, which decision stands out as the one that causes you to Crave after Christ the most?!?

What a wonderful promise!

I find that this can also be a magnificent tool for decision-making!

Consider this, when faced with a big decision, how about tackling the decision this way: "I am going to Seek GOD in my Present Moment, through my decisions, as best as I know how, and HE will bring about the future outcome according to His Will."




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